Gayatri Chawda

Gayatri Chawda

Assistant Manager – Environmental Impact 

Gayatri is responsible for assessing and mitigating negative impacts of various projects, program and policies on Environment. She was associated with Japan International Cooperation Agency and has reviewed project’s monitoring report and with Toyo Engineering for learning business simulation. Worked on part-time basis as Teaching Assistant in her university, with Carbon Material International for coordinating their global business, with Kokusai Kogyo Pvt. Ltd. she summarized the strategies of Asian Development Bank and World Bank for India.

Also, she volunteered and participated in International Association for Impact Assessment conference 2016, also in Slush Tokyo 2017 & 2018, Junction Tokyo 2017 & 2018 who are basically working for creating start-up and developing them, was keen participant of United Nations University talk series in Tokyo. In India, she worked with Delhi Pollution Control Committee for inspecting the industrial units, Water Treatment Plants, making Environmental Audit report, issuing Consent to Operate and Establish to Industries etc.

She was Intern with Central Pollution Control Board for Statistical Analysis of Air Quality of Ahmedabad city. She was awarded MEXT scholarship for her Master in Engineering from School of Environment and Society in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Her research was related to Content analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment reports in India. She has done her B.Tech in Environmental Engineering from Government Engineering College, Delhi.